Managing Private Scenes and Groups

Administrators have the possibility of creating user groups with exclusive access to specific private scenes. By organizing users into distinct groups, administrators can customize their experience and securely share private scenes tailored to their needs. These users will view the private scenes within an assigned tab when they create a meeting or go to their private verses page.

For this, you only have to follow some simple steps.

Group Management

Navigate to the Admin sidebar and access the Group Management page. To create a group, click on the "+" button located next to the search bar.

Here, you can establish a group by selecting a name and adding the email addresses of the members, thereby enabling the storage of their information for future reference.

After creating the group, an email will be sent to the users you've added, notifying them of their inclusion in the group.


  • Scenes: Allows you to view all the scenes assigned to the group. When a scene is assigned by a group member through the editor as explained in Group Features, their name will be displayed beneath the scene thumbnail, and the scene will be set to private by default. This means that only the group leader or administrators can access the scene. On the other hand, if the scene is assigned from the dashboard (via Scene Management), it will not have a name under the thumbnail and will be made public by default, allowing all group members to access it.
  • Users: This allows you to view all the users added to the group and who accepted the invitation. Here you can make a specific user leader of the group or remove them. You can also add more emails to the group.
  • Edit: Lets you change the name of the group.
  • Delete: Deletes the group.

Designating a Group Leader

To assign an individual as the leader of the group, you need to find the user within the group user list, access the user dropdown menu, and then opt for the "Make Leader" function.

To view the features leaders have in the platform, please explore the dedicated section located within Group Features.

Adding new members to the group

After you've successfully created your group, you have the option to expand its membership. Simply access the group's user list and click on the "+" button. From there, you can input the email address of the user you wish to include.

Assign Scenes to Groups

Currently, there are two main ways to assign scenes to groups. The first method is carried out by administrators through the dashboard's Scene Management, which is exclusively accessible to admins. The second method is explained in the Group Features section and can be performed by group members.

Assign Scenes From Scene Management

To add a scene to a group, navigate to the Scene Management page. Here, you can oversee all the private and public scenes on the platform. Utilize this feature to share private scenes exclusively with your designated group.

Click the "+" button below the scene you want to assign, and select the previously created group from the dropdown menu.

By completing this action, individuals within the selected group gain visibility and usage rights to the assigned scene. They can access it through the "My Assigned Scenes" tab when creating a meeting or event and see it in the "My Verses" page.

Assign Scenes From XR Editor

Another way to assign scenes involves group members using the XR Editor to assign scenes, which can be particularly useful for educational institutions or artist collectives. Designating someone as the group's leader grants them the ability to access all the scenes created by other group members. For a more comprehensive explanation of how members can assign scenes and explore the functionalities available to group leaders, please refer to the Group Features section.