Brainwave Generated Sculpture Prototype

Digital & Technological Art
Dimensions Variable

Lans King has an NFC microchip implanted in his left hand. His "artist-self" is registered on the blockchain, and it is linked to all of his artworks. Using a variety of wearable devices, Lans collects physical, emotional, and cerebral biodata. His digital artworks are often derived or generated from that data. This virtual sculpture was generated by the artist using a brain-computer interface device that captures brain activity data. The data is fed into a generative algorithm and parametric software; each channel is mapped to a specific parameter. The software transforms an initial geometry (such as a sphere) into a variety of new forms that are unique and rare. Through this process, thoughts become forms. This specific work was generated by Lans's brainwave data as he focused his thoughts on the word "tomorrow." This work is a prototype for a performance/generative artworks called The Cyborg Manifesto. In 2024, Lans King will tour this series of performances during which he will generate virtual sculptures in real-time while wearing his brain-computer interface device. For this performance, he will spend 24 hours in a glass pod, connected to a computer running a generative algorithm. These digital sculptures will then be output as physical forms.

Wisper logo over a glb of a crater with a grid texture
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