Sound Programs

The sound of Art

Experimental Music and Sound Art Program

The Sound of Art

Aligned with MUD Foundation’s commitment to immersive technology, our Experimental Music and Sound Art Program offers an innovative platform for exploring the intersection of sound, art, and technology. The program is designed to fill a vital gap in the sound arts within the realm of new technologies, offering a space dedicated to artists who focus on music and sound art.

The program features immersive audio experiences showcased in both MUD’s physical space (8-channel audio system, as well as in its XR platform, creating opportunities for deeper engagement and exploration. The XR platform provides sound artists with a unique medium, allowing them to either replicate existing works originally designed for physical spaces or craft entirely new experiences native to virtual or extended reality.

By working with the XR platform, we have the opportunity to invite and connect with artists and audiences from anywhere in the world, offering our community a chance to experience diverse perspectives in sound art and experimental music. This global reach enriches our program, bringing fresh insights and creative approaches to the forefront.

This program invites artists and visitors to experiment and discover new ways of experiencing sound, pushing the boundaries of sonic arts through immersive environments. Whether in-person or through MUD’s browser-based real-time 3D XR technology, it fosters a dynamic dialogue between technology, creativity, and sensory perception, enhancing how we understand and appreciate the evolving arts of sound.

Program features

The program will feature a variety of experiential music and sound art activities like:

Live Performances: Artists specializing in experiential music and sound art will use MUD’s sound systems to create immersive, live performances that transform the listener’s perception of sound, space, and technology.

Workshops and Artist Residencies: Opportunities for artists to experiment with new technologies, collaborate with peers, and create works using both physical and virtual tools.

Sound Installations: Long-term and temporary sound art exhibitions where artists can explore the possibilities of spatial audio, both in MUD’s real-world space and on the XR platform.

Sound Experiences: Events held entirely in virtual or extended reality environments, allowing artists to craft audio-visual experiences that are native to the digital space.

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